Friday, April 29, 2011

What Type Of Weave Does Megan Good Wear?

The Mother's Day ...

... your signature is the best gift.

Alassar 's mother (pictured) died 13 days after giving birth because ill after delivery and the hospital refused to treat her until her family could raise the money for treatment. Her name was Mariam, and she was 23.

Like her, die each year in Burkina Faso thousands of women from complications during pregnancy or childbirth that could be easily avoided.

was on Mother's Day and a nice way to celebrate is to support all those women who risk their lives to become mothers. And it is as easy as sign this petition to the authorities of Burkina Faso for any woman has to face death because they can not afford medical care. Contigo

can create the pressure for change in Burkina Faso and to protect all mothers in the same situation in other countries. Every 90 seconds a woman dies in the world due to complications in childbirth. If you also warning that data, I ask you to take another step in defending human rights and you join here who think that all women are entitled to enjoy motherhood without risking your life. Because with your help we will get to save the lives of thousands of mothers and ensure a better future for thousands of babies.

I sincerely thank you.

Esteban Beltran
Director Amnesty International - English Section

PD. An Amnesty International team visited several clinics in 2010 in Burkina Faso. The picture they found was devastating: broken windows, women about to give birth lying on the floor of the corridor; instrumental damaged ... Please sign here for safe motherhood.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sealy Concierge Mattress

and leave a little better than garden or walk.
This doll dress I have in mind a scene that, over time, I do, but I can not wait to show it, here I leave it in advance.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Delete Direct Tv Dvr History

MI BARRIO in Chiclana de la Frontera Chiclana


I lost you.

where I was born, I
You always remember it,


, kisses


dusty streets, a few evenings
and nights to dream.

Words and music: Antonio Morales
Singing: Andaraje
LP with the same enthusiasm, 1992
Video: Rafael Romero Hidalgo

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Projector Shows Red Lines

Mists, first chapters.

Here's the prologue and the first two chapters of Mists. Foreword

He stood there, face that broke the silence ringing
monotone of the rain pounding the tile, in a dripping ice cream with a sky of dark clouds pregnant with punishing the earth and mixed with bitter tears.
The horror of a grotesquely twisted bodies lying in a pool of blood. A body was slender and graceful in life. But the ignominious death had him making outrageous mass, the remains of a body revolted.
He dropped the letter the victim wrote before jumping into the void for fatally crashing into the ground. It was said that was impossible to live, their hopes were broken, that the man she had married and was breathing with child.
The paper flew and alighted on the puddle of blood was pouring from his head open. Soaked in red and the letters were diluted incessant rain disappeared, faded faded as the laughter of the girl who now lay dead.
But his eyes had read and could never forget the words written. Never forget nor the cause of this misfortune: Clifford Ellis, Duke of Ormond.
And before the body that cared and loved, which would have given up their last breath, the silent witness of the tragedy raised his eyes to the dark sky and vowed revenge.
"Yes," he said aloud, broken by tears. The Duke of Ormond pay. I will devote my life to it if necessary.

Chapter 1

Duchy of Ormond. England

The fog seeped through the walls like a hand
wet and left ready to catch it. wind howled outside
and she covered her ears to hear.
shivered with fear, stared at the logs
the fireplace, crackling fire languages \u200b\u200b
monopolized her attention.
Mariam, Duchess of Ormond, the pupils were dilated
to divert your attention to the corner of the room where sometimes appeared to him that ghostly silhouette. Where to hear the grim whisper of a voice that seemed to come from the beyond. Now the silence around her, but she knew she would find her. She and the child she was carrying.
Outside the castle, the whistling wind that raged in bursts, as an omen, indicating that night seemed to be serving his term. He stifled a sob and covered to the chin with a blanket, but could not avert his gaze from the corner erratic. Waited and prayed with all the faith he could muster for the ghost would not return to leave her alone. His teeth chattered and was unable to control his tremors.
The icy breath punished walls suddenly stopped and a curtain of water began to beat the imposing castle. Stupidly, Mariam said that perhaps the spectrum does not go with a very unfortunate time, and the fool thought she was in a fit of hysterical laughter.
It was only a few months had been installed in Hallcombe House and since then his life had changed. The gray walls, the endless corridors, the lower galleries, including the great hall where they held hearings and court of justice in ancient times, we were gloomy and cold. Just hated to see the castle. As hated the man that her mother forced her to marry.
The climate of this part of England did not help. Neither
steep and rough terrain of the mountains of Cumberland.
was used to pasture his beloved Wales, where he lived, but had to leave their home and friends. Loved everything. It was still very young, he was only seventeen, and with that marriage evaporated dreams of freedom. Now was the wife of Clifford Ellis, Duke of Ormond. And expecting a child.
He was alone and afraid I was not well known. He was very tall and she barely reached his shoulder, his complexion and gray eyes hard and made her feel insignificant. Immediately he knew he congeniarían. And they did. So he turned his affection servant of weak character, like herself, with whom she felt comfortable.
At first, Mariam had tried to put distance between the two, but found it impossible. He carried on his shoulders with a famous name with a title that allowed him to make mistakes. A choked her reputation. But the boy ended up having a confidant and secrets friction became subtle. They were soul mates and although they ended their social separated by a sincere affection that unite them were forbidden.
The rain lashed furiously Mariam glass and let out a moan that became a scream when the window was flung open, stick the wall and throwing cold water burst inside, turning off lights candle chandelier I had left it switched to instill value. He jumped out of bed, and locked the window again. The rain soaked her nightgown and went to bed shivering. The shadows had deepened, but did not dare to move, paralyzed by fear. And his thoughts turned to the man she was now married.
Clifford had been treated well. With exquisite correction. He was a stranger whom everyone respected. She had behaved with so gentlemanly and always hung on someone-he-never attend each and every one of your needs.
Mariam assumed from the beginning it was only the vessel where it would create an heir. That was its purpose and no other. But the baby did not belong in a marriage that had brought more than a mere commercial transaction for the duke. Fortunately, he had seen little since the wedding, because the ducal obligations and commitments to the Crown occupied all the time. And she found herself displaced, relegated to an object and missing her old life.
Her father pampered from birth. Let out a deep sigh at the memory as he told stories till sleep overcame and procuring the every whim. His sudden death changed everything. His mother was a cold and calculating, and Duke's proposal meant to her an asset with which to achieve, finally, the social position he had always wanted and did not find her husband's life. Marry her to one of the richest men in England earned him a personal triumph.
Mariam could not deny that her husband, Clifford Ellis, treated everyone fairly. The servants and tenants were pleased with their enforcement. But she was not comfortable. The Duke of intimidated.
The rain seemed to subside and Mariam leaned on the cushions wondering if it would be wiser to go to the room of her husband. Should have been honest with him after the third occurrence. Surely, Ellis had put to flight spectrum. No doubt I would have. It was a valiant man who had faced even the forces of hell.
Now, however, seemed childish wake at midnight to warn of his visions. What would, except that they were paranoid fantasies? How could she explain that she was terrified by a shadow who visited from the world of the dead? And although he was convinced that night should be feared most, whether it was possible, the paralyzed his own doubts.
heard what seemed like a tearing of clothes. As if spiders. Peered into the darkness, but saw nothing. Tried to relax by telling herself that it was all his imagination and that the pregnancy was too tense.
- Mariam ...!
He took the fold of the sheet up to her mouth, horrified.
was there again! He bristled the hair on the neck and
sank into the cushions, eyes wide open.
"Leave me alone," pleaded trembling.
A waterfall and neutral laughter broke the silence accompanied
a drag chain. Another whisper. And again
thick and broken voice that crazy.
- Time, Mariam ...!
threw the blankets aside and ran to the door. He could not stay there. The fear of drowning, heart pounded rang in the ears, shaking like a leaf. Slipped, fell painfully to his knees and looked back. I did not see anyone, but I knew it was there, stalking, chasing, threatening. He sat heavily because the swelling of her belly and her legs swollen the hindered. He had to escape because the spectrum would end her and her son. And he loved to be that was brewing. Needed to be strong for him.
With a desperate push open the door and stepped into the gallery followed by the sound of the strings that are sliding across the floor to the rhythm of footsteps, and went on a mad race. I wanted to scream, but she could not panic knot encircled his throat prevented it.
picked up the hem of her nightgown and ran like a madwoman to the rooms of her husband, on the other side of the aisle. He cursed the fact that they were so far removed from theirs because now more than ever needed their help and protection. But being chased hell that seemed to be everywhere and I ran in front, cutting the road. Mariam turned back and fled in the opposite direction, moving away from the premises of the duke.
terrified, his eyes sticking out of their sockets, was moving over the cold tiles as fast as he could, trying to keep track of when they followed his steps. And in his unconsciousness, it was moving toward the south tower.
Her bare feet trod the first step of the narrow stairs to the tower stood, lost stability and fell forward, hitting the belly. He drowned in pain but he forced himself to rise and half crawled, climbed the ladder, caught already hysterical sobs. Her long hair covered his face, stumbled again, dropped again ...
spectrum followed. Followed. And alternately laughed and called it. Mariam
managed to reach final. Just thought of escape. But the footsteps of that infernal essence earned steps up behind her. The clink of the chains was going crazy. When you reach the door was always closed recalled and terror paralyzed her. Mad, pushed with all his forces, and for some reason, the wood failure. By its own momentum, fell flat.
rain beat her mercilessly. Crawling, tearing the thin fabric of her nightgown, turned away as he could. The deafening thunder and the blinding lightning. Frantic, back on itself, without getting up, found the ghost while the rain fell on it. In his madness, came the edge of the tower.
Panting, a prisoner of delirium, mute with terror, he leaned against the wall. His icy fingers grabbed the slippery stone and covered with lichens and got his feet on the second attempt. Then again heard a sound that seemed to come from a tomb. He turned, his eyes wide with fear, shaken by the wailing and shivering. There was
The thing is silhouetted in the dark.
A shapeless mass and frightening. Where should the head just had a hood empty. And in it ...
Mariam The piercing cry of mingled with the roar of thunder, suffocating.
eyes, if they were eyes, looked like only two bright spots that haunted and fierce.
- Mariam ...!
Duchess of Ormond She let out a scream again and stepped back, gesturing with his hands to ward off the hellish vision that he was approaching.
- Nooooo!
His legs ran into something, lost stability and body tilted dangerously. His feet slipped and fell into the moat of the castle. As he fell into darkness, he repeated that denial to the irrefutable, that despairing cry, hoarse and painful, heartbreaking.

Some months later ... Clifford

awoke suddenly altered and covered with sweat. His eyes moved from one place to another looking stand at the sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness that surrounded him.
took a few seconds to realize that he had been a nightmare. One more. Despite the time did not go away, repeated over and over again, harassing insistently.
- What happens? Asked a sleepy voice at her side.
blinked, completely disoriented and joined to light a candle. A woman held the other side your bed. Stunned, he wondered why he was there, until he remembered. He threw aside the blankets and stood up. He rubbed his eyelids. A sharp pain in her eye sockets announced the impertinence of a migraine. She let out a curse and a couple of candles lit more. In the darkness located his robe crumpled on the floor and covered him
. He stared at his partner and she gave a wan smile.
- What are you doing here?
tone abruptly roused harsh and completely. If he had any hope of intimacy with him later, it disappeared immediately. Out of bed, gathered her clothes and as he was, even without dressing, with an apology on his lips, walked to the exit. Cliff
stroked the hair stirred irritants pushing back strands that fell on his face. The sound of the closing door burst like a thunderclap in his brain and other wine was rude to her lips. Dropped full length on the messy bed that still smelled of sex.
remained well for long, as dazed, lost in the roof surface. A shudder shook him, agonizing final link in your sleep. His late wife screamed and screamed, ran and ran, and stumbled ... Fell into the void ... The images of death, crippling and gaunt, haunted him since that night with the black flapping of a bird of prey. And the frustration returned to him with every nightmare, in waves, dreadful and oppressive, leaving him battered and broken. For in every dream, he tried to reach it, to avoid the inevitable, to save it. And it felt so useless in the hallucination as it had been in reality. Had not arrived on time and she rushed into the void from the top of the tower.
revived with a jolt the sharp impact of your body to hit the ground.
leaned back in his head and stretched the power to reach the jug of wine she had left beside the bed the night before. He drank greedily and liquid fell like a punch in the stomach, but he did regain his sanity and curb their cries. He got up and walked to the window, settling on the stone seat. The sun was beginning to dawn on the horizon and he wondered again what was the point in his life.
never considered her marriage to Mariam as more than a deal. And in it, neither won anything and they lost a lot. Her life and he ... He cursed the moment of weakness than a pretty face won the battle to his original determination not to marry. It was his lust that Mariam was killed. Not to marry, to have lived up to his oath of celibacy, she continued to live happily in Wales and he would not have become a taciturn, sour and sullen, tormented by a dramatic event that never stopped pursuing him. Mariam had been a weak woman, always fearful and poorly resolved to fulfill the role that was required. His death was heavy as a slab. And his
mortification because she was older, in his delirium, he had finished what he wanted most: an heir. Only the seeds of doubt subsiding their pain. The servant that would bring him that took his life by hanging of a beam in the kitchen, giving rise to a rumor that spread like wildfire. Are you sure the child was his Mariam brewing? Strokes
devastated undermined his soul and his pride.
could not help but feel anger every time I thought about it.
Because it was aware that Oswald Train, the servant who always behaved as the lapdog of his late wife, could have fathered the offspring that would become his heir. But you never know the truth and that angered him. Could no longer take his mind off the nagging doubt that she, the woman who gave her surname, which became his duchess, he would become a cuckold. Sentenced
out if he consented to go through the altar! Thing he wanted in the world was getting married again, ever trust a woman. To hell Ormond, their heritage and their offspring damn!
First her mother and then Mariam had failed miserably. And the betrayal of both are entrenched in his soul, festering with each passing day. As a child, he asked a million times if your mother would have left because of him, something he had done. I always had the feeling that the frequent arguments with her father were not only a reflection of their hatred toward him, and marked that part of his childhood. Now when you think your confidence restored, rose again the suspicion of premeditated deception of Mariam. So the resentment towards the fair sex had stuck to him since the night she died, as a scourge that could not, or wanted, free. Best wary of them to appear again before all the taint of an unhappy.
Unfortunately, the Crown did not feel the same. And what was worse, not his grandmother ordered. It was the most stubborn woman of Creation and seemed to have conspired with Satan to drive him crazy. He had just turned thirty-one years, was no longer a teenager and was able to choose a wife for himself, have loved her. But did not want. However, both her grandmother and for the State that was irrelevant.
For all furnaces of hell! Barely a few months Mariam's death when he was beset by various candidates for the position of Duchess of Ormond. And no way to escape was so ruthless harassment. So he decided to finally pursue the task of finding a wife. For the same reason had been drunk the night before and carried the woman to his bed.
No doubt he was losing the papers. But that was, remarriage, or finishing at the feet of the horses of social patterns. I had no choice but to give up, marry, would have an heir, and that hell will take everyone!
He approached the bed and pulled the cord to call the servants. No waiting for his valet peep through the door.
"Good morning, my lord," he greeted. Have you slept well?
"Perfectly. As if I had been kicked all night.
"If I may say so, sir, are the consequences of drinking.
"I wish to continue drunk. I prepare the bath, please. And get me something for the headache.
His valet nodded and left and he returned to the thread of his thoughts.
hated London. It was just a city where the aristocracy are prostituted in the corridors of power and pageantry of the holidays. Critters dressed in silk and powdered faces, insensitive to the disadvantaged and concerned only for their own aggrandizement. He was never comfortable with them. In that his father had left. In addition, his detachment was known among high society. Yes, your fortune cross the immediate entry to any event. And no parent who would dream to have him as son. At the end of the day, what mattered little man his reputation as accessible to marry the girl? He had nurtured an image indifference and did not intend to modify. It was the shield that protected them from annoying invitations.
Then came his servants, and began to greet him after the bath.

Chapter 2

London was meeting the expectations of Lea, but from time to time scruple assailed her for having deceived his family. Running away from home as it did only could lead to dire consequences if they did know. Discard
uncomfortable guilt and resentment focused on her surroundings. Had gone to that party to have fun and that he intended to do. He looked askance in the window and wrinkled her nose. The dress borrowed from her friend was awful. And pink. He did not like that color, but there was another to serve him and Tina had insisted that suited him very well. It was not true, like a soda and infant doll. Bothered him convey that image. If he had not torn his costume party in the rush ...
- What do you think, Eleanor?
turned to his friend and forced a smile. Tina ... Clementina, the name that she hated and never used, stood at his side. Daughter of the Earl of Bermont, met at school and became inseparable.
now living apart, but their friendship remained immovable, although very different. Leah was a stubborn Scottish's ideas. Equally appreciated go to a party to hunt the mountain wrapped in a tartan and a dagger in his belt. Tina, on the contrary, it was like a butterfly, always immaculate, right, without ever skipping the rules. Perhaps their differences were what kept them together.
"In the couple will choose for the next dance," said Lea. And how awful it is this dress.
"The dress is nothing dreadful, darling, only you feel so. Look at young people who do not stop looking at you. Judging by the number of requests dance they've done, I feel great. I think what you give away. Now seriously, what were you thinking? Read
surrendered. Tina seemed sometimes a little naive, but I had the scent of a hound.
"I can not hide anything, right? I thought of my father. And my brothers.
"Look you are spoilers.
"You forget that there are tonight.
"If I had known you were going to commit the folly to introduce in London without saying anything at home, I would have bitten his tongue and I would not have caught up to the holidays.
"Thank you you would not, Tina. Edinburgh I was bored and could not resist spending a few days with you. Not to blame for my craziness.
"But the food.
"Thank God. "He winked.
"Just hope you do not discover the deception. Amanda
-cover me, I wrote before coming. You know it's an old family friend and certainly is as crazy as me. I said I was going to Aberdeen, so nobody has to know I'm not there. Tina
wrinkled his nose comically, not finish them all along. -Any
day you'll look for a big problem. Read
nodded and sighed. I knew, yes. But he could not stand the boredom and need to escape occasionally from the monotony of your home. And more importantly, the overwhelming protection of his father, Neal McKenna, and his three brothers.
The musicians returned after a short break and a new compass invited couples to fill the dance floor. Immediately, both girls were surrounded by men. Tina pulled the elbow of his friend in a silent message of affection and dismissing with a smile who invited her, took the arm of a fan Read abandoning theirs.
Read agreed to dance with a young sexy and melancholy. But as soon took to the steps regretted it.
He did his best to follow in the footsteps of his awkward partner while thinking back to lash her escape. If discovered would be stuck in a mess.
None of his family shared his love of London. Suspicious of the British that they had been persecuted for centuries and had suffered one of his brothers. So, scams always planned to visit Tina and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the capital.
Now, what the concern was a possible punishment. Those who had earned until then spent a few days locked in the tower without being able to go riding with his brothers. However, on that occasion, his arrest could last a decade. Or two. That if you did not kill his father after returning to cry for the millionth time I was sick of his schemes.
His dance partner stumbled, stepped on and stopped dancing. Lea looked somewhat uncomfortable. He did not conceal an expression of displeasure, and she followed the invisible line of his eyes while rumors spread throughout the room.
- By God! "Murmured her companion. Never thought I had the courage to stand here today.
- What happens?
-Ormond, "he said in explanation.
- Who?
The adonis dull pointed chin.
"You have to be very valuable and very little shame to come to the party. After what happened ...
- Succeeded? Who?
The young man grabbed her by the elbow and led her off the track.
"Sorry, Miss McKenna, I must go. Read
was stunned to see away to that idiot.
Guests whispering in groups and they kept casting glances toward the entrance of the room. Tiptoe he clinched his best to try to figure out what she had caused such a stir. An individual, with the host, seemed to capture everyone's attention. Someone put him ahead and he lost it. Gently patted the shoulder of the gentleman and said,
- Would you mind stepping aside?
The man who had just arrived was tall, broad shoulders and dark hair. What was so special, apart from a good size, he asked Leah. Why all seemed so affected?
"It's incredible Tina said he heard at his side.
- Who is it?
-Ormond. Read
waited more information. But do not get it. It was as if that name, period, clarifies everything.
- Who the hell is this guy Ormond, may I ask?
- Watch your vocabulary, Eleanor!
"Come, come, come," the hurried. My dance partner is gone as if he had seen a ghost, others can not hide his discomfort, and you did not clarify anything.
Tina took her to the room where refreshments were served. "It's
Clifford Ellis, the Duke of Ormond.
"I've never heard of him.
"Because not long ago come to visit. Not a day. It is a strange and uncouth individual who stays away from the aristocracy. Lives in isolation in Hallcombe House.
"That name does ring a bell.
"Everybody knows the Castle of Mists.
"Well ... "Read craned toward the newcomer. Well, since there does not seem so strange, "murmured looking at her elegant figure.
"They say he killed his pregnant wife. Read
paid full attention to her friend, now
certainly intrigued.
- Are you kidding?
-No. "She blushed a little as if it were a secret. Well, everyone says that killed her. Anyway, had no merit. Plunged from a tower of the castle at night. There were no witnesses.
Read The shaped eyebrows arched.
"If there were no witnesses, as you say, then they are only
"It's a horrible man.
- Why?
"Because ... because ... He stressed the blush on the beautiful face of Tina. Does not hide what he thinks. He says that we are parasites.
"That also says my father. I've heard a thousand times that people should do something productive instead of living on income and hopping between ballrooms or gentlemen's clubs. And I would not say that my father is a horrible man. Stubborn, yes. Recalcitrant, possibly. But never horrible.
"You did your lawyer vein of lost causes. Have you ever put in place the rest of us?
"It irritated her friend Ellis is a guy ... intriguing, dark. Even rumored to have powers.
- Powers?
"You know what I mean ... Occult powers.
- What nonsense! People have too much imagination-Central New full attention to the newcomer. He would have liked him to be back to see her face. All I see is an amazing body. I can not imagine talking to spirits.
"Besides, has slept with half the women in London.
- What power! Read teased. Immediately became serious with the sulky gesture of her friend. The Libertines do not scare me, Tina. In any case, I disagree.
- You're impossible! I suppose it's your Scottish blood. But, for once in your life, you should keep in mind what I say, dear. Ormond is dangerous. Sometimes I wonder what women see in him. It is so menacing ... Tina
left with a flurry of skirts, shaking her fan with speed, as a shield against bad omens. Y Read
proposed a closer look at Satan. A demon with an excellent appearance, in black, very contrapié of fashion colors. A halo emanating intriguing that excited his curiosity. Yes, why not say it ... It was somewhat puzzling. He wondered if his face would honor your body. And Tina did not understand what women see in that guy? Surely he was losing sight. He approached his best dodging guests. Fantasized about what they submit, but the host gave a sigh of peace concealed when the subject is dismissed with a slight bow and headed for the exit.
Read only able to see a few wisps of dark hair falling on a dark face. But just at that moment, before crossing the threshold, Ellis turned to the present, as if they will challenge. And something stirred in Read to a steely eyes, suspicious and intelligent. And one point threatening. Devil eyes. But, yes, an angel of evil excitingly attractive.
Then, Ellis noticed her.
Lea was stopped when faced while in the distance. Those eyes were burning and uncomfortable uneasiness bucked up his spine.
But the spell is broken: a lady came to Ormond and laid his hand on his arm. Ellis appeared to lose interest and exchanged a few words with it. Read arose in a sudden and stupid animosity toward women, which increased to briefly pull himself up to whisper in his ear, lifting off murmurs. Ormond
shrugged one shoulder, his arm cupped hand of the lady, retraced his steps to the host and looked to Lea. The Count of Westtin peered around, looked directly and whispered something to the duke. He nodded, turned slightly to see it again as it did before, and she came the feeling that he was stripping in public. A slight blush covered her cheeks, though he had never
been prone to signs of shyness. But, despite the itching, stood firm, without diverting your attention from him. It was proposed to treat with the same audacity and did so. The extremely uncomfortable being the center of attention, but drew strength from weakness and raised his chin.
He looked like a wolf among sheep. Or worse, he said Lea. A fallen angel among devout believers. Was it his imagination or the Duke made a slight nod? Read
not react when he was gone, but when Tina arm hung.
- you looked! Oh, God, I have watched, Eleanor!
"I get hurt.
- Tell me you do not know him!
"Of course I do not know, Tina. What makes you so nervous?
- Oh, Lord ...!
"By the way, who was she?
- What woman?
"The one who has been talking with him.
Hossman -Amelia. She is the widow of an Austrian aristocrat, but has never again used the title since her husband died. Surely it is the only friend of Ormond and rumors that had a romance. She seems to be enough crazy enough to insist on re-conquer. Read
traced to the lady, who was lost from among the dancers who held back the track. The demon had gone and returned to the activity deadly, he said.
During the rest of the evening there was another topic of conversation other than the short and disturbing visit, and Lea heard many wild stories that ended up getting fed up and decided to leave the party.
As the carriage returned to the home of Bermont
rattled through the dark streets of London, could not stop thinking about Ellis. Was it really a murderer?, He wondered. Read would not let anyone influence easily by malicious comments. To make value judgments always trying to find the two parties. However, something told him that was farther away from Ormond, better for your peace of mind.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Limited Credit History Ok

This acronym and this video is dedicated to the Coast of Chiclana de la Frontera.



long has YA,
Costalera LEAVING
many days of work,

WITH "LAMENT" Goosebumps,



C uid your steps Costalero
O liendo the new spring ,
S here another year of Nazareth
T Aeson brave in the work area.
A y! arrow of sincere singing
L amento shared the sidewalks,
E s the voice of the people I want.
R OCES shoe ... streets,
O ration in your mouth ... prayers,
S alpincándome your sweat ... delivery.

D HERE are the best boots?
E n Chiclana de la Frontera.

L to the east, my people, their sweating,
A ndalusia is Passion brothers.

magen I Santa de los Dolores,
L to repentance on his back wearing,
U No Caller in your hearts,
S uspiros and HEAVEN WITH IT!
I nmensos and quiet values \u200b\u200b
O lé! your walk and ways
N ur EASTER, and olé olé!

Antonio Morales Doncel-Moriano

Rafael Romero Hidalgo
the Video Feature: PROCESSION

Friday, April 15, 2011

Mens Brazilian Wax Maine

Amig @ s, what would you ask? LIE-Jo

I have already announced back in May to punish two other novels, one Brumas, due out in paper and e-book.

For the digital version would like to include an interview conducted by tod @ s @ s vosotr, questions you can think of. We believe it is a nice way to make it more personal, closer to where you can collaborate and be journalists and actors.

Of all the questions that you leave here, Booket chosen few to be published in the supplement to the novel Mists, with your full name. The remaining will be answered right here on the blog.

I would love to work with me on this new project, because I know that you are the most important thing in the world and your concerns are mine.

I await your questions.

As always, I thank you for being here and for your support.

I love you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wording For A 2nd Birthday Party

Monray-Editorial Rollan. Selene Collection-# 85

Monray LIE-Jo- Editorial Rollan. Selene Collection-# 85.

I will dare to make a review of this novel because I think it is worth it, thanking the way to a writer friend, Simon Joaquín Martínez, author of 1957 and 1958, which has been detached from it to give it to me.

years ago, the market was flooded with tiny novels, novels-called pocket, much smaller than the pocket now. Of those that measured about 15 centimeters long by 10 wide and only had (mostly) 125 pages. Of which almost fit in your wallet.

Yes, I speak of the time that in the kiosks were Marcial Lafuente Estefanía novels, Keith Luger, Carlos de Santander, Lou Carrigan, Corin Tellado, Marisa Villardefrancos (which I have several reviews on my blog) or even Silver Kane. The latter is neither more nor less than the Fernández Lesdesma author, a writer who has won several awards with the thriller and that is what has given life to Méndez, a police post-war Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba charismatic, intelligent, acid and charming. His novels, which I recommend, is a real luxury.

I have not been able to find anything related to the author of The Lie, Jo Monray, but his novel, which logically I I read in a blink of an eye, it seemed great.

Why? You may ask.

Because I found it almost unbelievable that one hundred and twenty-five pages so tiny it can condense a story so completely.

More than one may think that little can be describe in so few lines. Nine chapters that look like toys. Nothing could be further from reality.

Lie tells the story of Frank, married to Deborah, daughter of a wealthy Boston Industrial. Have married for love, but he goes to the United States waged war with the Japanese. And come back, although more than one expected to die far from home. Back as a war hero who spoke the day. It has everything: a beautiful woman who loves him passionately, a great job in earning enough money, and fame of a brave man. However, in the midst of a party at which they begin to entertain, he throws it all away. Confronts his father and all his friends saying that he is not a hero, the real hero was a soldier in his company who gave his life for his, and that for more data, was black.

In the Boston society of that time, Frank's argument is little more than put a gun to your head and shoot. The Americans were not willing to hear from one of their own that wars are simply a waste, that the soldiers will hear it after four long words corrupt politicians of patriotism and four magnates to those interested in making money from the race , words of encouragement. Much less, be charged that blacks could go and fight themselves but were unable to give them credit. And you do not hear that story if blacks were good for defending the motherland while the sons of tycoons stayed at home, safely, to spend the money earned from the conflagration.

For all this is what Frank launched the celebration and before less than a page and a half.

Of course, the protagonist becomes an outcast among his own. But Deborah wants to regain the love of her husband who has returned from the front become a stranger. Even asked to sleep in separate rooms. The more you try to approach him, Frank is shown farther. Asked to rectify, to apologize, but he absolutely refuses. Then one afternoon talking and accuses him of having lost the son they are expected after a night out in which, he says, he has been unfaithful with one of his friends, Alan, while in the war. Deborah

silent because speaking, would Alan endangered, and not tell what really happened that night. However, since they are already at the time of the confiding, Frank says he has a son with another woman, although not known at the express wish of the mother. It does little good to confess that the night he was with the other was not himself, he was devastated by a bloody battle that killed many of his men, that desperation took hold of him.

Nevertheless, he still loves Deborah. So much so that when her father puts the dilemma of returning to her parents with all the comforts and stay and live with her husband and die of hunger because he himself will see to it that no one work, choosing to stay Frank. At that time, our hero reveals himself and tells his father everything he thinks of him, threatening to go to work in the company of Sam Franklin, a black man who has managed to prosper.

The secondary characters are beautifully described and should be mentioned.

Deborah's father, a tough guy who only cares about business and money, but in the end, when an attack leads to death, talk to your child and asks you to convince your husband to return to the company, which is the only one who can handle it when he is missing and that is the only man who has had the courage to throw in the face four truths. In the background admiring to his son.

the protagonist's brother, unable to run the company without the help of Frank, and recognize it.

Alan, who has been linked to a woman of gay life which is murdered in her apartment, which is why escapes, meets Deborah and she serves as an alibi to the police arrest the murderer. Nervous as you have an accident in which Deborah lost the unborn baby. That is the secret that she wants to tell Frank when accused of infidelity. Alan does everything for her divorce from Frank but then, seeing that really loves him, decides to talk to him and tell him the truth.

Barbara, a successful painter, always in love with Frank. She also waives the love of his life to understand that the protagonist loves only his wife and is involved in a matter of great importance to fix the coexistence of both.

Scarlett, a woman with Japanese blood is the child who has been with Frank. He has never left him fearing that he asked for custody of the child. His relationship with Frank is a one night and although he fell in love, it does not hurt. He has also met another man and plans to marry. His greatest wish is that Frank can live without ties with his wife and wrote a letter stating that the child is not hers.

When that letter is delivered to them by Barbara, the only person who knows the full truth about Scarlett, Frank and Deborah have decided that whatever happens stay together because they love.

As you can see, are characters of character, with an inner life fraught with problems and doubts. Beings who fall in love, delivered, battling their own fears and demons and ultimately sacrificed.

I dread to think the novel could have gone with this story and these characters if the book had occupied 300 pages. For if in such a short space the author has been able to show us all your story, three hundred could have enjoyed a much more beautiful.

This little gem is a paean to equality of races and beliefs, independence and love between human beings, in addition to a direct criticism of the stupidity of war.

So for all this, I want to drink these old writers' novels rose "as it was called pejoratively. They made our mothers dream and who now have the luck to find one of those jewels, "becoming the battering ram that opened the way to current publications.

For them, my gratitude.

* Note: Curiously, on the back cover of the novel there is an announcement of Gymnastics International Institute, a gentleman "handle" looking muscles. Is it to make a nod to the ladies and to send the husband to get in shape?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hack Jibjab Account Free

The Black Angel - First chapter.

Here you have the first chapter of The Black Angel.

Court of Madrid. Winter, 1667

Alejandro Torres walked to one side and a small waiting room in which the Court's decision of the Court. With hands clasped behind his back and his face grim, was still mulling over the past events and could not believe that fate was so unfair.
In late spring, his two sons, Miguel and Diego, had swelled the ship Castilla, who struggled against two British flag vessels near the Azores. Some men died in the clash and, between them, Don Esteban de Albaladejo, character, highly esteemed in the palace. Although the news of this death plunged all the pain, there was only one of which came from time to time at public hearings, since English galleons were constantly approached by French pirates, Dutch and English, on his travels each way to the Caribbean coast, where Spain kept possessions.
The galleons were often large-tonnage ships, battle without equipment, so they became easy prey for the buccaneers and privateers who attacked under foreign flag. And although, in recent times, the sovereign had given large sums for their protection, Castilla was traveling alone. No, indeed, news of the death of Don Esteban had not brought more than a bad news for Spain.
Until overlapping accusations were whispered in some ears with the two sons of Don Alejandro in the dock, according to the Court, accused of high treason, for providing the English pirates that would follow the path Castilla.
Alejandro Torres was an influential man, held the title of Duke of sovereignty, and was owner of extensive landed estates in Salamanca, Toledo and Seville, a friend of lawyers, ministers and even cardinals. None of that book to their children of the charges or the trial that they were subjected. Nor liberated him from the torment that he was supposed to come home and comfort his wife, Mariana, who burst into tears.
At that time, after a long month of waiting, interviews with each other supported by his brother Daniel, tireless search of witnesses, had to wait, like any other, that the Court of King Charles Court issued its opinion.
snorted softly, sat down and rejoined almost immediately, cursing under his breath.
"Father, sit down, he heard behind him. So do not get anything
, if anything, wear the carpet. Don Alejandro
turned and faced the eyes of his eldest son. She watched him carefully, as Diego, the small. They were different characters. So much so that sometimes even seemed brothers, but for the features of the De Torres, unchanging from generation to generation: the aristocratic face, straight nose and firm chin. Diego was dark blond hair, as Mariana, while Michael had inherited his hair blue-black.
The first had brown eyes, the second a deep emerald green, like his Scottish grandmother, used to call the attention of whoever was watching. Diego was tall and thin, Miguel pulled him half a head, but his shoulders, extra wide, made it appear much taller than his brother. Don Alejandro knew that, even with age, acquire the constitution Diego
the eldest, who seemed absorbed in his genes all
sap those damned Scots with the great-grandfather, Don Alvaro, related.
- How the hell can you be so calm?
asked exasperated, aware of the nervousness of Diego, not knowing what to do with your hands.
Miguel shrugged. There was far
quiet. Not when he knew, because he knew, what was the court of Madrid. Since Charles II, who was nicknamed the spell, took the throne of Spain, things had worsened. The ruler was then only six years old. Last of the house of Austria, son of Philip IV and his second wife and niece, Mariana of Austria, was a frail and sickly child. And political life was revolt. Felipe IV, after the defeat
international and state failure, Castilla had plunged into pessimism and hardship. Two years before a Board of five ministers advised the mother of the sovereign during the minority of it, but really they were not members of the aristocracy, who ruled, but Mariana's confessor, Father Nithard, along with intriguing Fernando de Valenzuela, unable but enormous influence with the queen, who followed his advice to the letter.
The confusion has been installed everywhere, feeding
the gossip about the alleged overthrow of Marian Austria and Carlos, while the court intrigues multiply to create plots of power next to the small.
The cluster of rumors, but did not poison the situation, already depressing.
But Michael could not, or wanted, hinting discomfort.
did not ever. Diego and even when he was accused of high treason. And would not lower our guard but were condemned to the gallows, of course likely, as events had developed.
"Nothing will get more tense than we put
" said the young guy. Whatever, we'll know very soon, brother.
Don Alejandro stopped. Sometimes the coldness of his son unnerved. For Christ's sake! Could not occasionally show a bit of English blood?
opened the chamber door deliberations and Alexander pushed forward like a spring. He immediately approached the man who beckoned. Whispered a moment and then the other disappeared again. When he turned to his sons, the duke's face was as white as paper. A young man tells her stomach lurched. Miguel, meanwhile, tightened jaws and stared into the face of his father. Did need to say anything.
- Blame? He asked, anyway.
Sobera The Duke nodded and his eyes were formed liquid curtains. Michael could not bear that her father, strong and sharp image he remembered since I can remember, was cast forth to mourn. He got up and grabbed him by the shoulders.
"Never, sir," he said, through clenched teeth.
never do it! Do not be seen to flinch or fall like vultures on our family. Alejandro
swallowed the tears and nodded, his shoulders sunken, emaciated face.
"I called in a moment.
"And we'll go with head held high.
may declare us guilty and we hanged, "replied the young man, but God knows of our innocence, we. I will not enter the court like a common traitor because I'm not.
- Do not mention it, Michael! "Snapped his uncle.
-can hang and you know it.
- Condemnation, lad! -Alexander broke a little
of his son. Do you really have the cold you represent, Miguel? What runs through your veins? "Ice? He snapped.
"Father, my God ..." said Diego.
- I know! Damn you, Michael! Do not you understand? You are my only child, my race, my heirs. How can you face the target so calmly, instead of rebelling? What do you tell your mother if I condemned to be hung? For all the hell! What will I say? Miguel
swallowed. Not a minute had been thinking about his mother. I was tormented by the possibility of his death, that was the worst. His father may be reharía, but she was going to answer ... when the door opened again and they were called to appear before the Tribunal.
Diego rose, pale and slightly trembling, and walked unsteadily. Immediately, the strong hand of his brother took his arm. Miguel's voice sounded rough. So much so that Alexander I shivered with horror and pride at the same time.
"If we falter, Diego, I swear by the most sacred thing you out the guts before we hang up.
The younger Torres stood, he swallowed his fear and
stared the emerald eyes of his brother with confidence.
bad I will not have the family, Miguel. I swear.
"You better, tadpole. You better.
And so, supported by the encouragement of his brother, Diego preceded it and entered the room.

London. End of 1667

The brig Pretty Olivia was about to leave.
was a light two-masted ship and square sails, fast and agile maneuvering, engaged in transporting passengers. Still was armed with eight guns port and starboard and sailors who were rookies ruled in clashes with enemy ships.
it because the route was to continue trading and were
prepared, though in those days no one could trust not to run rival boats, "Colbert did not feel particularly uneasy.
His daughter, Kelly, was leaving in less than an hour to Jamaica, where he spent a very long time on the farm of his brother, Sebastian. It was a decision I had made and not the reverse. Neither the cries of his wife nor the protests of his son had done to modify its determination. Kelly had to learn. He had grown up in love, but maybe they were wrong in the way of education, because, although always obeyed his orders, his refusal to marry to him concluded it was filled with indignation. Within
carriage in which were his two sons alone, they could hear the girl sobbing.
"Come," said his brother brujilla passing an arm
shoulders, not the end of the world.
- Oh, James! How can you say that? "She complained.
Damn, not you who is going!
sexy girl's face tightened and Kelly immediately hugged him and kissed him on the chin. His eyes, blue sapphire, looked into his brother's slightly clearer.
"Sorry. Not what I meant.
"I know. And of course you're in so bad mood.
But think of it another way, you will meet Jamaica.
- Jamaica me a damn! "Snapped back
her. I will not go to England! James ... do you really think that our father could not ...? "He shook his head. For I am taking that boat!
James Colbert could not help outline a mocking smirk to the gesture of her little sister, with brow furrowed and his arms crossed under the chest, like a sulking child. He kissed her nose and said: "It will
- Three years, for the love of God!
"Time will pass without you noticing, brujilla. Besides ...
who tells you that Port Royal will not meet a handsome boy you fall in love? Since your suitor dislikes here ...
Kelly admonished the mockery of his brother and punched him in the chest, which really made him laugh.
- You are a mule, James! In Port Royal there is only planters and pirates. Neither of them really excite me them other as husband. I almost wish that father chose!
"Then he relents and marry.
- Before, dead!
The young man gripped a deep pain in the chest at the thought that after a few minutes would have to say goodbye to his sister, whom he loved deeply. The girl had been crying for days when his father gave him the news of his imminent departure. And James was displeased to see her buried. Because sunk, it was not Kelly. But angry yes, then was back to his beloved sister. She was not surly, far from it. The easement
adored, because he always had a kind word for everyone hated injustice and tried to help as I could. But when she got angry, he went a genius of a thousand devils. And he preferred to sulk rather than up. Arouse, and it was getting.
returned to hug her and urged her to get off the carriage.
"You write when you arrive. Captain Mortimer
will bring your letter.
"I'll die without you. I know!
His mother, who is still struggling between the love of his daughter and her husband's decision, she began to mourn. He had tried by all means that he changed his mind, soften the punishment, but his pleas fell on deaf ears and now came discouraged to fire the girl.
"Me too, honey. "He hugged her. I will miss you so much ...!
- Enough! "They heard the powerful voice of the household head. Nobody is going to die from this separation. Kelly will meet his relatives in Jamaica and that's it. And of course, learn to respect.
For a few seconds, the sapphire eyes of the young
was a stormy lake. She bit her tongue to suppress the response he struggled to escape him. In the background, she knew that to his father, that decision was not pleasant, but, behind its principles, not change their minds. Keep it away for three long years for him would be a shame that try to keep hidden. Approached, rose on tiptoes and placed a kiss on his chin. She was angry, yes, but I loved him so much that it wanted from leaving a bad taste in my mouth, so that forced a cheerful countenance and said:
"I'll miss you. And try to behave as special
raise. Perhaps so, you decide to bring me back soon, Dad. Colbert coughed
and stiffened with hacking, his son James to his back. That tiger with golden hair and eyes full moon getting all that is proposed. Now, just at home form a common front against their decision. It would take many days until all return to calm. He passed an arm around her shoulders and muttered:
"I think. "I wanted to hold her tight, but she forced herself to appear calm.
After a long farewell to his mother, swimming it between the two waters involved the lack of child and subjection to the husband, and the latest advice from his brother, Kelly came up the walkway and Olivia Pretty leaned on the rail. He waved his hand, responding to her mother's healthy dessert. The tears that you shed stubborn in not forming a lump in his throat that choked
. But I also felt that the blood ran quicker through his veins, because, after all, was to undertake an adventure.
The ship was slowly moving away from the port, swollen candles, drinking the wind. The orders of the captain and the bustle of sailors came up to her, but had ears only for the spirit that his mother sent him and it came in bursts that were lost in the bustle of the port and the howling of the wind. Their loved ones were there and she left. A few minutes later, they became small figures that blurred haze.
The booming voice of Captain Mortimer seemed to return to reality and, with weary steps, fell to his cabin. He closed the door, leaned against it and breathed deeply, trying to summon up the courage.
The room was narrow and only available essentials. He seemed uncomfortable and sad. There would be several weeks, including a cot, a table and two chairs bolted to the floor. For the porthole snuck a ray of dim light. The last ray of light in England.
So yes, burst into hysterical crying.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kaposi's Sarcoma And Shin Pain

As charming as me 'm wearing the last doll to teach you (as a commission and with the permission of its new owner) a few weeks ago I dressed a doll for my collection, the same dress but the result is different because the doll has a different facial expression and I I have a hair in another style (the hair of the doll Rafaela I did not), I hope you enjoy it also

A and the photos are much improved, just see the color tones of the dress that can be seen again, but not that I have learned, but I have to thank Rafa (my brother) I would make them - the better photographer than me.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Create Your Own Tech Deck Games

Home and synopsis of The Black Angel

Here you have the cover with which the Essence editorial published next May, "The Black Angel."

There is nothing left to "The Black Angel," whose publication was made possible thanks to the requests of hundreds of surfers, finally see the light. I sincerely hope it lives up to the expectations that you put in it.


Miguel Torres and his brother were exiled from Spain in perpetuity, accused of high treason.

try to rebuild their lives in Maracaibo, but the pirate Morgan attacked the city, captured and sold as slaves in Port Royal.

Kelly Colbert traveled to Jamaica as punishment for refusing an arranged marriage. In Promise, will struggle against the norms of a society based on tyranny. But above all, fight against the passion that awakens in her an arrogant English slave.

Escaping Promise, Miguel joins French pirates. Embittered and vengeful, he vows to pay his humiliation to all Englishmen. And when the ship that Kelly returned to England falls into their hands, found the scapegoat for giving rein to his baser instincts.

The captain of The Black Angel has money, power and anger. But ignores love, a much more powerful weapon than hate.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tech Deck Birthday Party Ideas


the La Niña Sale
still waiting on the beach,
her boyfriend sailor
one day he was singing
not cry your my brown
I swear I will return,
wait in the bay
before sunset.
La Nina de la Venta
his eyes facing the sea,
spent entire afternoons sitting
the pine forest.

The boat drifted away,
girl was on the ground,
and sailor singing
girl was restless;
the boat drifted away
the sailor kept on singing,
girl was on the ground,
girl was on the ground,
the boat drifted away.

Ask gulls,
if they know anything about him,
asks his friend the wind,
wonder why he left.
La Nina de la Venta
think you have to go back,
awaits you in the morning,
awaits at dusk.
her sailor dreams,
what, has become of him ...?
maybe a siren,
you have known love.

The boat drifted away ...

Antonio Morales Doncel-Moriano
Andaraje: Grupo de Sant Rociero Boi de Llobregat
Topic: La Nina de la Venta
Video: Rafael Romero Hidalgo

Congratulations On Your Engagement Sayings'

April 2, World Autism Awareness

April 2. World Day for Autism Awareness.

is the commitment. It is our commitment.