Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Have A Ba But Want To Be A Dental Hygenist

C'est la vie ...

Friendship is something so serious ...

few days ago I had a serious problem with a friend who I consider a lot and I think that ultimately end up making me missing ... Not if you can identify the starting point but there was a time when we begin to disrespect and thereafter, having a big fight would be a matter of time ...

I is difficult to explain this strange bond of friendship is just that and nothing else-clearing for the two-but which, however, we treat different ... as if our element was the case, when the strangest thing is that if we are good, we can take them both so well.

I think it is due to the peculiar way of being of each is so different and perhaps unwittingly aspire different behavior of each ... the truth that we are like water and oil and basically make us uncomfortable attitudes of our personality that we find difficult to understand, assimilate, even more share. And I thought that this type of "affinity " should be sought only in case of couples ... now ponder if not also for the friendship ...

I've said things strong and sensitive, but does not understand that he has done the same with me and I think the basis for overcoming any problem is recognition of others as well as our mistakes. I'm totally willing to accept to continue my usual but it should be reciprocal so that we can iron out these aperezas that have generated this great cycle.

If you ever read these lines, I would ask you to judge my words in my context, based on my personality and attitude to life that in itself is very different from him .. . if it does, perhaps better understand my position, because of my questions and even my harsh words.

wish I do and are encouraged to invite a few beers (after to tell me not to talk to me and want me to do well in life I can not do me) to forgive, recognize, respect and move on.

God wants

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Texas Hill Country House Plan

Guardian Angel ... The yerberita

was thought to remember that even before this week came "the day of love" to tell them how it is that the prototype is mine to see and have seen a little ear pull and send it around here, I wanted to discuss them with the idea to leave my letters in "this space" is equivalent to the universe and can be more effective ... I had thought so!! but my f * ck * ng job leaves me no time at all ... or take off the necklace that is now three days noble bathing me ... combines goodness!

So I will make it almost cut ...

is a prayer made by me, for me, between my angel and I ... I pray not that long ago, I stopped praying to the latest disappointment ... offering to God, angels, archangels and good deities of the universe, divided into 5 paragraphs, cataloged by subject.

Chapter I

Dedicated to work, not that it is not the most important, but I have the idea that there empzaría my interest for a man in what he does, if you like, if attempts be better, if you know what you, if you win to keep themselves and the way guests, who understands my profession and that together seek to be better professionals.

Chapter II

Dedicated to love, to try for me, me, respect me, be honest, sweet but firmly, to keep me faithful! it is everything that the man I want to do together and of course as we enjoy it, as we understand, share and how we as a couple best man and best woman.

Chapter III
not live in isolation, hope will be a welcome person in my family as well as I own, that we are in each one more children, with love for his family that if I ever decide to have a home match with the desire that I have to take mine, which is an example ben! surrounded by good friends, a healthy love of home, to be humble and empathetic without being fuck !!!!.

Chapter IV

also ask for privacy!, That is good, inexhaustible as the love of chocolate (maybe a chocolate day cloying, but sooner or later we will for more), which side do not need to seek satisfaction in another side, that what we have together is so intense que el tampoco amerite nada más, para finalmente juntos ser mejores en aquellas artes.

Chapter V

La apariencia tambien cuenta, pero aqui lo que pido es un hombre de buen gusto o al menos parecido al mio (por si acaso lo tengo malo), que no se meta la camisa entre los interiores, de manos grandes y transpiración de seguridad, apreciado y querido entre quienes nos rodean.

Seguro muchos de los hombre que lean esto pensarán que busco a un hombre ideal, sin embargo creo que no... hablo de cualidades no de especificiades: no dije si catire o negrito, abogado o doctor, fashion o metrosexual... these things do not matter if you have what I described in quality!! and I do not think either one step nonsense.

I mention this because the day of love that passage matches moon night (imagine if that had fallen apart Tuesday??) So I think that will one day be doubly magic ... . I hope that the energies and deities conspire to me and this "edge" to space is equivalent "to the universe." Finally I ask that this man with me happily in the way of life and harmoniously complements my being!

For flowers, there is no atmosphere ... I bought these to me ..

Happy Friendship Day!! as soon as I leave this slave labor, I will try to visit ... but anyway do not leave a written Marquita, I carry in my heart. Besos