Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tojing Wan Portland Or.

March 5, 1811 AGE NOS

Dreams From my
Hill lookout
behold a white town. (Chiclana de la Frontera).

Village stored in your history, experiences
of Tarshish, Phoenicians and Romans.
Memories of the Battle of Barrosa,
of 5 March 1811
This fight was prologue of freedom for Spain,
in Cadiz did not enter the French
always my Tacita de Plata, the birthplace of freedom and landscape
missed from this place of dreams,
as San Fernando ( Isla de León,) with its Bridge Suazo.

Its romantic landscapes,
see a blue sea and a mythological castle (Castillo de Sancti Petri.)
... It puts the Atlantic
green pine groves hope centenarians
and yellow broom broom estuaries,
an ancient salt immaculate whiteness,
and a holy light (light salt, as said the poet.)

A blinding light, designed perhaps;
by Wings of the Guardian Angels,
of what might be in his day here ...
the earthly paradise.

Photographs of my file.
Best regards from Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona) Antonio Morales D.-M.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Genetal Herpes Indirect Contact

HIS HIGHNESS, THE PEASANT (History of Elena and Diego)

You were much @ sl @ s that, in every way possible, I have done to get your desire to write the story of Elena and Diego characters who appear Sunrise in captivity. How

refuse to so many requests when there who even has ventured to send a story to the story of this couple? Unable to leave you disappointed.
So, to know that I'm it.

Next I copied a draft of the beginning of what will be the book that narrates the adventures of Elena and Diego. Will be "His Highness, the laborer."

Let's see what you think.

HIS HIGHNESS, THE PEASANT (Draft histora Elena and Diego)


Trujillo. Hacienda La Antilles. 1517.

had been married that morning.

and had broken his marriage before the end of the day.

A record. Even for her, the impulsive, reckless, stubborn and reckless Elena Zúñiga.

The omnipotent Zuniga Enrique Valbuena superb, his father, who boasted to anyone who would listen to have accompanied his deathbed Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of the Order of Santiago, left everything ready before you die. And his mother, a timid woman who always lived restrained by a personality so absorbing, no one dared to snub or even after the rest in a pine box.

The only support came from her grandmother, an Englishwoman willing and phlegmatic. It had inherited not only her blonde hair and blue eyes, but genius, courage and cynicism. Bequests, seasoned by his stubbornness, fueled ongoing fighting his father's lifetime.

But he had won, at last, the battle of arrests. Even after death he will. Without reaching the age of majority, could only bow and accept the marriage to Diego Martin and Peñafiel, Bell County.

And I agreed.

Another thing would be the coexistence demanding marriage.

was born free, spoke three languages, knew the lyrics and mathematics, could play a harpsichord of 38 keys ... What was more important, had a body. One head, two arms and two legs. This fact was already sufficient, according to his grandmother, for anyone to impose His will. One thing was clear that the logic and practice another. In a world of men, a free thinking like yours, always ran into each man who approached him. Especially with his father, who looked nothing like the dead grandfather. Had he been alive ... So

traveled to Trujillo, accompanied by her grandmother, three servants and a number of soldiers, somewhat inexperienced, but enough to be enforced during the trip from Toledo. 166 kilometers long dust, mosquitoes, ditches and fatigue to reach the city where Celts, Phoenicians, Romans and Arabs have all left their mark throughout history. Of winding alleys, churches and palaces. Land of oaks, cork oaks and gall. No matter

the trip. Extremadura loved and part of his childhood was spent straddling plains and those of Castilla. To which he opposed from the beginning, was to return to the estate of Belle, the West Indies. And marrying Diego.

But there was no remedy. Augustine's father, whom he knew since childhood, were joined in holy matrimony. A betrothal that lasted so long is the ceremony, the invitation and congratulations.

When retiring to the bridal chamber, Elena fired ladies and maids and awaited the arrival of her husband's recent tense but determined to face acid test was coming.

Minutes later, the man sober, elegant and aristocratic with which she had been married, entered the room. He said no word, but he saw the disappointment on her face painted. Still wearing her wedding and not waiting for a delicate and sensual nightgown, as tradition dictated.

She remained standing beside the arched window that opened onto the garden. Roses, rhododendrons and jasmine conferred the place a magical aura that was always in love. At bottom, the little maze in which both lost so often, when they were little children.

Diego closed and moved.

I hid, but a shiver went back to Elena to the area. It smelled good the damned. It leaned on the windowsill, but followed his movements from the corner of the eye. Diego's hand came up and paralyzed. If I tried ... only took between her fingers a lock of that hair almost platinum always fascinated him, caressing him, marveling at its silky texture and shine. Elena's profile was patrician. It was beautiful. And distant.

- Nervous? He asked, resting his fingers on his neck.

She left to the other side of the room. I did not know where to put your hands and the heart was threatening to fall out of pecho. Inspiró profundamente y se le enfrentó. Por un instante, se preguntó si estaba haciendo lo correcto. Rechazarle era de locos. Diego era un hombre muy atractivo. Tenía fortuna, un título y gozaba del favor del regente de España, el cardenal Cisneros. Con él podría disfrutar de lujos que nunca paladeó en casa de su padre, poco dado a lo que él denominaba gastos superfluos. Y también gozar en su cama. De eso no le cabía la menor duda, si daba pábulo a las habladurías que circulaban sobre el disoluto conde de Bellaste.

Incómodo por el silencio de su flamante esposa, Diego se echó el cabello hacia atrás.

No lo llevaba largo, apenas le cubría la nuca, But those copper-colored swirls of gold veining Elena reminded one day far away, when he overturned a bucket of mud on his head. He, in revenge, had sought a knife and cut his long tresses, which she was proud. Three full days was crying because of that carnage. Clear that he still had the Scots in the rear lashes given him by his father, the late Earl.

Unintentionally, he curled a smile on his lips and he stepped forward, thinking perhaps cleared the road. Elena

supported the palm on his chest and stopped him. It took courage and said:

-Diego, do not want this marriage.

The white ink confusion tan male face.

- What do you mean?

-speak that did not choose me, I was imposed. You always knew how to think, so do not do the stunned now.

- Why go on? Swore before a priest.

"I swore, yes. What choice left me? I swore I respect you, be faithful, to take care of the disease. And will comply.

- And love me! He burst out.

"Well I lied. Just love the man I fell in love, Diego. And you are the man.

few times in his life had he felt so confused. So he thought he already turns almost everything. However, that it was proving stubborn belligerent that there was still room for surprise.

- What if I decide to take what rightfully belongs? You know you could push yourself to fulfill your obligations of marriage? Elena

course he knew. Knowing that nobody would call him to account if he had that night, even if by force. What could a woman do in such cases? Who safeguarded their wishes? Why, since the world was the world, should they submit to them? Stiffened and pointing with the index warned:

"Do not you dare, Diego. Do not you dare.

the Fine did not approach her. Merely observing, drinking their fine features, most Vikings, the pearl of his face, large eyes sky, the gold of her long lashes. The bodice, where dozens of pearls cast sparkles in the light of the chandelier, it conformed to his small, proud breasts, sticking to a narrow waist that he could cover almost two hands. Over the garment, the trembling flesh of her breasts and clear as it was called a siren song. He turned, dodging the evidence that his body responded to its spell. It leaned against the window, her back.

"So you want to be the Countess virgin, "he said with a hint of irony. "I

time, Diego. Only that.

- Time? "His eyes turned amber frustrated how long? A week, a month, a year?

Elena sat on the edge of the bed. He noticed the tips of his white socks and whispered

I do not know.

And how can you fix the sign of your virginity in the sheets? You know come to check.

"I ... I cut," she stammered. A little blood and ...

- For Christ! You thought of everything, right? She ducked

over the head.

She heard sighing deeply, but did not dare look at him. I was asking a lot, too. Its title she needed an heir and it was denied. That and sex. For a man like Diego, used to have it all, you get what you wanted by simply clicking your fingers, it was an insult. And could retaliate, to make life impossible, locking her in a convent. Crumpled silk dress between her fingers, trembling now.
then, ma'am, "he said after an interminable silence. Our marriage is only a farce, a play representing each day. Do not touch it, if what you want. Never put a hand on Elena, but only God knows if we had just so crazy for granted. I do not know what I am holding. Meanwhile you can not refuse to try to seduce you. And that, I swear that I do.

"seduce? What had not understood when he asked for time? But he would not abuse their goodwill.

"Thanks" he muttered.

"Of course, at least in public, as should you show the Countess of Fine.

"You know I do not usually keep quiet about what I think, but I will try ...

- Well, bite your tongue! "Exploded Diego. And this time he came, his dark face and an angry inch of her. You behave properly and if not I desvincularé of our agreement and although I hate to death, I'll be in your bed and make you in fact you already are by law: a woman. My wife.

He left and she stayed there, digesting the threat of legally irreproachable Diego and charged with the logic that accompanies the right.

Bulldog Has Red Spots On Belly

With the same enthusiasm,
of my early years, today
sing this song,
it's only for you.

I put my heart, my inspiration
your charms,
with the same enthusiasm,
sing for you today.

not want to see you sad but the years pass, there are always reasons

to love and live. We

spring but be thirty-six,
have a rose ...
have a jasmine. We

about age ...
wanting to teach, we have plenty
to teach love, we have plenty
to return again
back to start.

As the swallows return in spring
as shells, resting on the sea
like poppies in the wheat fields
as I love you,
is every day.

lived reality,
has been the experience of that
need to know love,
your image for me has always been
of all poems,
I sing for you. NOS

AGE ... ==================

Singing: ANDARAJE. Rociero group of Sant Boi de Llobregat
Words and Music: Antonio Morales Doncel-Moriano
Video: Rafael Romero Hidalgo

Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Genital Herpes Make You A Freak

Wolf ... again. The SER

never thought that a draft of the novels that you gift, I had the honor of receiving a critical ... But are already two!

Kasumi has had to make a detailed review of Lobo. I would love for you to read it in its pasarais short blog ...

Thanks, Kasumi, a million thanks!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gay Sauna In Queens New York


On 10 February I was invited by Chema Contreras to your space "literary corner."

In this link you can, if you wish, more information.

And if you want to hear the interview you can do so by clicking here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Megan Good Hair Weave

My Teacher: Enrique Villegas Velez

E n your soul troubadour
N UNCA lack joy,
R isas, costume, song,
I Lusion, masks, fantasy,
Q uiméricos verses quatrains,
na U really well this
E s your pasodoble poet

V ives Cádiz
I strongly
Nagot composer,
L levaste the world their art
L uciéndolo your love
ntregándole gracefully,
G racial, wit and passion,
A carnival l gave him all
S Alario nobody paid.

V REE singing your music
E n saw souls together,
L uz in Cadiz, magic letters
E n today perceive the distance, Z
couplets, my friend.

Videos: Guashilandia

Acrostic: Antonio Morales D.-M.
Enrique, a hug from the Hill of Dreams.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rhyming Animal Goodbyes

Chema ... And again I Lobo

The good times every day I have been hanging go by while the chapters of Wolf, as I have said on countless occasions. However, once it is thought that the epilogue, "Wolf effect" was to be gradually faded.

You can imagine my surprise when I heard that Wolf even has given a critique.

The Blog From the pen with your hands , has a nice review of my humble eraser. I have no words to thank you and I would love to read pasarais.

Willowgreenn, baby, thank you very much!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Natural Alternatives To Malarone


Reviewing books of poetry, this night I've been a good time with my good friend, Joan Rodo. I remember that I presented to you on this Hill of Dreams, a couple of years. But for the new friends I commented that Joan, also a painter is a poet who goes deep. Your direct line gets to the heart of the reader. His pen has the wisdom of the years, the sincerity and tenderness of his disposition. In his third book, Poems, I present:


I tell it I think.
Show no more roads.
not show me your path,
I'm still rebellious.

Let me live my life
and not clouding my mind, let me
with anarchy
freely and death.

frees my soul with love
without country or world,
stateless chains.

Free love ad infinitum,
to get lost in the jungle,
to find partner,
pink, white or black.

My family is humanity
of slaves without chains,
after redeeming balm
memories of my pain.

discover the shadows
black clouds of thoughts,
but I continue with my philosophy
and experiment still alive.

Joan Rodo
This Josep Lluís link Ponce. (Art Critic), you can see and learn more about Joan Rodo.
A hug from this hill.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Watch Operation Repo The Movie Online

Meeting Ra

Saturday, February 12, 2011

From here I want to thank Merche this First Meeting of I read RA, which has managed to writers and readers to shake hands and we know a little more.

Although I could not stay for the entire event, the time was spent with all rewarding and wonderful. I'd like to be more chat with each of the attendees and provide the romance.

Thanks for having me, Merche. And thank you all for being so fantastic and to defend a genre that makes us dream.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nerf Gun Birthday Cake


Wanting to be generous
you're getting heavy,
as the cool shade tree
with old and tired limbs.

Gardener friendship
office obsolete and forgotten,
you, who teach grow
withered values.

Labrador rose of love,
carnations are crying ...
Why people do not sing,
why they hate brothers ...?

Scented peace
planting work with passion,
the dawn of your hands nobles,
seeds tender embrace.

Without you, no joy,
everything is empty, false;
you call black sheep,
keep heat in your wool.

in winter to warm
and share with my brother,
that pride has gone,
to your garden, humility and charm.

In spring suppliers
the water that fills the lake,
cheerful daisies dance
with the wind of the hand.

poppies, rock rose and rosemary,
to the gate called,
from the southern fields,
this came north.

The gardener dressed,
smiling and handsome,
get the thistle slender
two camellias arm.
new tunes are playing,
nemorosa for carpets,
guests walking.

Geraniums are palms,
chorus, reeds and licked;
lilies ladies,
Daffodil they talk.

Y la flor de azahar...
con el lirio conversando,
a componer versos van
en cuarteta rimando.

-¡ Mis naranjos en Sevilla,
por este evento he dejado. !
-Yo, mis praderas del valle,
por estar hoy a tu lado.

The meeting in the forest,
is coming to an end;
and entranced the gardener,
so much love concentrate ...

stares at his hands ,
How could I do ...?
will continue cultivating friendship and verses,
although call me heavy.
Poetry: Antonio Morales Doncel-Moriano
Video made by: Rafael Romero Hidalgo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cat Health Certificate Example

I read Nights Early reviews of Karnak

I share with you two @ s criticisms have been made of my novel Nights Karnak.

Coming from a forera know that much @ s and writes like an angel, and a writer as good as Julia Siles, it is an honor to invite you to see them. They are

which left me amazed me and is easy to see why when you read. Thanks

Mencia. Thanks Julia. Having read the novel, be no illusions with it and get excited about your excellent pen, I envy and envy forever.

Review Mencia. Critics

Does A Landlord Have To Clean The Carpet, Ny?


Andaraje was one of the pioneer groups in El Baix Llobregat. Is the memory of young born in the South, singing songs and flamenco. In this video with pictures of Chiclana de la Frontera, two tracks: ALAMEDA RIVER AND MI BARRIO. With music and lyrics by: Antonio Morales Doncel-Moriano.
Antonio Cabezas de Sevilla. Canto de San Martín Francisco Tesorillo (Cádiz). Antonio Morales de Chiclana de la Fra (Cádiz)
Video made by my good friend Rafael Hidalgo Romero de Montellano (Sevilla) and resident in Cornella de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Alameda sailor, along
River prisoner, guards
secrets of love, idylls
in spring and winter
a passion.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Rinconcito

salt, instead of my joys
A bride and I love you,
a home shutout in his backyard
my memories and in heaven
my eyes.

Best regards from Sant Boi de Llobregat.

What Does A Sore Testicle Mean?

The same dress three characters VALENTINE

Although some progress, I want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to everyone s, because this day, for me, not just for lovers, but love in general, including that it to friend l @ s @ s.

So, you better wear a couple to celebrate this occasion, it is a ministry that I became my friend Rafaela and I hope you enjoy.

the gentleman will give away a rose to your beloved

course this is red, symbolizing the passion

loved look

a kiss for everyone s and ... happy day!